Start Losing Weight

I am sick of constantly seeing all these weight loss products on the market trying to sell their “easy” systems to unsuspecting people. “Miracle” weight loss products only go so far (if you have a question about a product and its effectiveness, check out my reviews sections for the ones I’ve used and see how it worked for me). Too many pills, powders and surgeries that promise results without minimal work on your part. Don’t get me wrong, many of them do help you get to a certain point with hard work and a diet change (yeah, the same thing you can do without the pill!), but after you stop consuming “miracle” drugs the effects are worse. Read my other posts to read what can happen.
Here’s a list of things you can do right away to start losing weight and fat without buying potentially harmful drugs and supplements (read “Weight VS Fat” to understand the difference):

1. Cut down on the soda. Substitute soda pop with water slowly until you are no longer drinking the soda

2. If you crave a snack, grab a handful of your favorite fruit, vegetable or nut products. With the snack drink a glass or two of water, the water will help suppress your hunger making you feel full while cutting down on calories and fat intake.

3. Drink water before meals. Water is the only 100% safe and natural appetite suppressant and it’s completely free. Before each meal or snack drink a few glasses of water and your cravings will drop quite a bit. You will still have that craving to snack, which is ok because it’s ok to eat food throughout the day. Choose a healthy snack as stated above.

4. Volumize your meals. What is volumizing? Do this, take a lettuce that you like (iceberg, green leaf, red leaf, kale, romaine, etc.), eat your lunch or dinner with only half (that’s right, I said half) of what you typically eat each day. Wash and prepare the head of lettuce and mix half to a full head in that meal. You still get the same volume of food, making your stomach full and your brain telling you to stop eating, however you’re adding a whole bunch of nutrients and decreasing a whole bunch of fat while feeling satisfied at the end of the meal. This can be done with any vegetable at the same time, but in my experience lettuce tastes better and is more versatile in the meals I eat.

5. If you already drink water, drink more water! Any dietician will tell you to increase your water levels to be more healthy, but have they ever told you why? Whenever I ask someone how much water they should drink they give me the same canned answer, “Eight 8 oz glasses of water a day.” Who came up with that? If I drink only eight glasses a day I’m still dehydrated. From what I understand through countless articles I’ve read regarding this theory, this is for people that are not active, eating under 1500 calories a day and consume less than 50% of the daily value of salt in their diet. If you exercise you need much more water each day.

Don’t fill up a gallon of water and chug it down, no! Start out drinking one glass of water every hour. If you exercise drink a few more glasses of water afterwards. Water is used for so many different things your body just craves it! Physiologically your body will store water when it feels low or depleted, and this is where water weight comes from. If you drink a high volume of water each day your body then tells itself, “I’m getting a sufficient amount of water, I don’t need to store it anymore.” Your body then releases the stored water and incoming water at a level pace while staying hydrated at a healthy level.

I have seen people lose up to 25 pounds in two weeks just by drinking a high volume of one to one and a half gallons of water per day. However, beware that if you stop drinking water consistently you will gain the weight back because your body will be starving for it once again, causing it to store water instead of continually process and use it.

Do any or all of these with your daily diet plans and exercise plans (if you’re not exercising start!) and you will see more weight and fat shed from your body.

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