3 Hour Diet, Abs Diet, 8 Minutes diet

Image from http://www.everydiet.org
3 Hour Diet, Abs Diet, 8 Minutes diet – 3.5 Stars – Low $$$ (except for the books)
These diets claim the same thing that many other dieticians and books claim: eat healthy food every three hours so your body doesn’t feel like it is starving and your metabolism (the ability of your body to use energy) will increase to burn more calories and fat. Eat protein to build muscle so you use more energy with the increase in muscle mass (read my post about muscle burning fat to see how this works). In my opinion this physiologically makes sense, but you don’t have to buy a book to know this. Also, the food suggestions are common knowledge, not necessarily anything your mother didn't tell you to eat. The diet idea itself is, however, very effective.

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