
Nutrisystem – 2 Stars – High $$$

Nutrisystem is effective at helping people lose weight because you eat their food and only their food like Jenny Craig. Nutrisystem focuses on the same idea of the hypoglycemic diets and they prepare the food for you. People do lose weight off the low calorie food provided. However, Nutrisystem does nothing to help you learn what foods to eat afterwards and doesn’t provide you with an exercise program or any type of diet program once you are done with their program. Personally I have seen amazing results from Nutrisystem go down the toilet when my friends and acquaintances go through the program; almost all of them gained more weight after the program than they had before they started Nutrisystem. If you decide to do Nutrisystem, my recommendations would be to plan out your diet by choosing an effective program to eat healthy, not to lose weight, but to maintain your weight. Visit for more information.

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